Inspired perhaps, by Greater Sydney’s return to a Covid lockdown, I have created a new assessment task for Stage 5 (Year 9 and 10). Although it is matched to NSW syllabus outcomes, it can be easily modified for any Curriculum. It includes a class pre-task unpacking the phenomenon of …
Student Engagement
New support resources for Stage 6 Beginners
By now many of you have sampled the new Jblog 4 Express textbook specifically designed to support the teaching of the NSW Stage 6 Beginners course. Even if you are teaching the Stage 6 Continuers course you may like to have a copy as a teacher’s reference material. Last week I was working with a …
Finding time for the 4 skills in the new syllabus
The new syllabus directions encourage us as teachers to help students develop knowledge across all the specific skills in a more fluid manner than we did in the past. Previously we may have planned our lessons around single skill-based tasks such as a listening drill, a speaking task, a reading …